Showing posts with label expecting moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label expecting moms. Show all posts

Monday, January 3, 2022

5 Non-Sexual Ways To Induce Labour

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice just the lived experiences of a mama. Consult your healthcare professional for medical advice.

So your due date is here or near and your little womb tenant is showing no indication of vacating the premise. So you wonder, what are some ways (short of an eviction notice) that you can safely encourage your tenant to happily leave their cozy home? 

Below are some strategies that expecting moms have used to induce labour. Keep in mind that none of these strategies may work for you. Sorry to be so blunt. 💜 

Here goes:

Strategy 1: Take a long walk. Even if it doesn't get your contractions going it's great exercise pre labour and a good way to destress especially if you bring a loved one (s) along.

Strategy 2: Eating spicy food. Apparently the secret is in the spice. It may be spicy enough to make your baby want out. 

Strategy 3: Eating a whole pineapple. If it doesn't get the baby out at least you would have enjoyed a delicious fruit, that is normally shared, all by yourself.

Strategy 4: Drinking Raspberry Leaf Tea. Many expecting moms swear by this.

Strategy 5: You can try talking to your tenant (I mean baby) as calmly as possible and see if they will listen and willingly vacate the premises. 

Happy and safe delivery to you mama! 💜

Monday, November 1, 2021

Where To Buy Kids Clothes - Canada 🇨🇦

Black Friday sales are fast approaching in North America and elsewhere and quite frankly is a great way for an expecting mom to stock up on some essentials. 

The rule of thumb for kids clothing is 100% cotton especially for warm weather clothing. Cold weather clothing tends to use synthetic fibers to help with insulation but breathable cotton is best for delicate skin and less likely to cause irritation. 

Here are some great places to find good quality and hopefully affordable baby items that can be handed down to another child, donated or sold if needs be. 

White infant bear snow suit by Simple Joys by Carters
Simple Joys by Carters Infant Snow Suit

1. Amazon

Anyone can sell clothing on the great Amazon so be sure to use search filters. Search filters are your friend to get to the good stuff if you want to get the quality cute stuff. Don't just sort from low to high and buy inferior things that won't wash well and last long.

You can start by searching popular kids clothing brands like Carters, Disney and Gerber etc.

Filter by 'top brands' to get to some quality pieces. On Amazon you may be able to find quality cute pieces for kids from, at marked down prices, from popular top brands like Adidas, Calvin KleinCrocs, Juicy Couture, Puma, etc. 

Don't miss other little known brands for kids like Baby Soy and Baby Dee Des that have unique kimonos, sleep gowns, sleepers and sleep sacks for babies. 

Baby Soy yellow kimono sleep gown
Baby Soy Kimono sleep gown

2. Buy Buy Baby

Another great place for finding unique casual and formal pieces for kids as well as sleepers (because let's face it - babies spend many days in their PJs.)

3. Babies R Us

4. Carters/Osh Kosh

Yes Carters is considered a top brand for kids but it may be cheaper to buy directly from Carters in their Sales/Clearance section.

5. The Children's Place

6. Gap/Old Navy

This is a good one stop shop for kids clothing. Definitely wait for their weekend sales and sign up for email alerts to get that 30% off. 

7. Google

Google is your friend when shopping for kids clothes and can help you disvover new stores and new trends in kids clothing. Definitely use the shopping comparison tools. 

8. H&M

9. Hudson Bay

10. Joe Fresh

11. Roots Canada

Roits is great for all things Canadian kids wear and they have some of the best cold weather accessories for kids and adults alike. Again check the sales/clearance section first.

Baby Sleeper with Hoodie from Roots Canada 

12. Walmart 

Definitetly the winner for deeply discounted kids clothing in their clearance section and especially in store. 

Kids clothing is quite pricey especially in a four season environment. So plan ahead for your kids clothing needs and shop out of season. Shop for summer clothes in the Fall and Fall clothes in the Winter/Spring/Summer etc. It saves you more money in the long run.

Friday, October 29, 2021

A Postpartum Checklist for Vaginal Births

Disclaimer: Consult with your healthcare provider if you are unsure of items to use postpartum.

A Postpartum Checklist for mom's to be because there's so much more to post-partum care than 'snapping back'. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Got Pregnancy Anxiety?

Disclaimer: This information is not medical advice. Please consult your physician or health care provider for medical advice. 

So you’ve read the baby books, attended the baby classes, done the virtual hospital tours, done your registry, had your baby shower, packed your hospital bags and nested/baby proofed as much as humanly possible but you’re still feeling...anxious.

Here are 3 ways you can help ease the pregnancy jitters!

1. Connect. Especially with the those who make you feel grounded. Pregnancy can, at times, feel very isolating because no one knows what you are feeling in your body or processing in your mind but you; not even your partner...just you. 

Resist the urge to socially isolate. (Well unless you have Covid 19)

Trust me when I say there are many more isolating moments to come as a mom of a newborn. 

For starters, you are awake when the adults in your life are asleep and you are napping when they are awake and busy. As busy and intrigued as you may be with your little one, you will eventually crave adult conversations - so be sure to take advantage now. 

Go on those (Covid responsible) lunch dates, social gatherings, nature walks, etc. or have virtual chats. Bask in having those interruption free heart to heart conversations because there are days coming where you may be unable to get a good word in with your little one around. 

Healthy social connection, during pregnancy, is also a good way to practice emotional hygiene and reduce the likelihood of postpartum depression. 

2. Play. Define what is fun for you and be intentional about having as much of it before baby. Having a child changes and or delays the way you experience fun and sometimes for the better sometimes not. Be sure to connect with the activities that bring you personal joy and happiness, in case that changes. 

So whether it’s attending dance classes, spending hours doing crossword or word puzzles, painting, blasting loud music, binge watching a series on TV.

Fun fact: Singing in the shower or around the house is great practice for breathing through labour contractions and a great way to ease Braxton Hicks. 

Whatever it is that's good fun for you, make time for it. There are days coming when you may not have as much time to dedicate to your personal fun.  Here are some interesting movies you can watch about motherhood if your fun involves watching movies. 

3. Rest. If you’ve been reading up those baby books and articles, you’ve probably heard this advice before and it’s probably sounding like a bit of a cliche. Trust me when I say this is BIG facts. You will never rest the way you rest now, never again, once you become a mother. Unless you have some sleep disorder that knocks you all the way out, or something, you are going to become a light sleeper and be operating on less sleep than you are accustomed to. 

Really take the time now to prioritize your rest and enjoy it! Here are some tips for getting great rest now and after baby is born. 

In all things take a deep breath and ground yourself. Pray, meditate, spend time in nature, think of the many mothers who have successfully laboured and find your inner peace. 

Here's wishing you an enjoyable pregnancy and a safe, healthy delivery. ðŸ’œ

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Gifting Your Child Healthy Teeth For Life

It’s children’s dental health month and before the month is out I wanted to add to the conversation. 

Have you or anyone you know ever experienced tooth decay or gum disease despite years of brushing twice a day and eating the right things? Have you ever heard bad teeth being blamed on genetics?

While there's way more to good oral health than brushing twice a day and avoiding sweets; there is a dental link between parent and child because good oral health actually begins in utero.

Did You Know...

Did you know that if a pregnant woman does not get enough calcium from her diet or from supplements that it will be drawn from her bones and teeth for the baby and if it's still not enough, the baby may not develop strong healthy teeth and bones.

Did you know that smoking and second hand smoking (being around smokers) while pregnant can damage a growing infant's primary teeth? Yes. Those same teeth hidden underneath a baby's adorable gummy smile can be affected by smoking cigarettes or cannabis or by mom being exposed. 

Even more concerning for pregnant women is that poor dental health plus hormonal changes can result in pregnancy gingivitis which can result in periodontal disease (gum and bone loss) which can lead to a pre term or low birth weight baby.

Finally, for moms of babies and littles, did you know that cavities or the caries bacteria that causes cavities is contagious? We now know there is truth to the saying that bad teeth run in the family. 

Did you know that young children with a parent that has cavities or missing teeth are more likely to develop cavities in childhood?

Even if a mom or caregiver has filled in the cavities, the bacteria that causes cavities is still contagious. So for example, if you have cavities and test taste your baby's food then feed them with said spoon you are passing on the bacteria. Basically any exchange of saliva is passing it on. So it's important for mom/caregiver and baby to practice good oral health. 

Protecting your teeth and your baby's teeth for starters includes: 

✳ Brushing teeth properly from the gumline up, at least twice a day for 2 minutes each time with a soft brush and fluoride toothpaste.

✳ Flossing daily

✳ Drinking water that contains fluoride (tap water for example)

✳ Taking extra care to properly rinse mouth with mouth wash or warm water after vomiting during morning sickness. You should wait 30 minutes or so to allow stomach acid to settle before brushing teeth to avoid further stomach upset.

✳ Eating a healthy diet rich in various nutrients including lots of calcium

✳ Avoiding sweet, stick and tacky foods

✳ Eliminating smoking, second hand smoking, recreational drug use and alcohol drinks

✳ Scheduling a visit to see your dentist for a check up in your first trimester. Major dental work like fillings etc. could also be safely performed in the second trimester.

For more information on dental health in pregnancy visit:

Canadians: Oral Health and Pregnancy 

Americans: Pregnancy and Oral Health 

Thanks for reading. Wishing you and your baby a mouth full of healthy teeth! 💜

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Breastfeeding Story

I want to share my breastfeeding story before I forget and before the magic of time erases all the little nuances - the good, the bad and the blah. It’s especially important because as a mom who has breastfed previously it’s amazing what people assume. For example, some healthcare professionals sometimes assume that because you’ve breastfed before, for a full year; you’ll do brilliantly at it again. Well in all fairness it’s an educated guess. So here goes...

The Good 

If you’re an expecting or new mom you would have heard all the great benefits of breastfeeding by now: 

✔️Boosts baby’s immune system (yes, even against the Corona Virus

✔️Strengthens mother-baby bond

✔️Built in baby pacifier

✔️Most affordable way to feed baby

✔️Most nutritious way to feed baby

And the list goes on...

The Bad

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed - those first few latches hurt. You can lessen the pain by having nipple cream on hand. Coconut oil & Vaseline also works for healing cracked nipples. 

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed difficulties with latching, engorgement, low supply, Baby puking/spit ups etc. may still occur and may still be very emotional for a mom post labour. I remember crying uncontrollably when breastfeeding my 1st child wasn't going well in the beginning. There were times I had to give it a rest & pump (for a bottle feed) or supplement with formula. Which leads to my third point...

✖️No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, supplementation and bottle feeding may still be part of your breastfeeding journey and that's okay.

The Blah

When breastfeeding you either prepare or prepare to fail. You want to have all the essentials so you have one less thing to feel overwhelmed about on the journey. Things like:

✔️ Breastfeeding bras & shirts that allow easy access to your breasts.

✔ Breast pads (disposable & reusable)

✔️Breast pumps & accessories (Electric & portable)

A nursing pillow that fits you well

✔️Nipple Cream (as mentioned before)

✔️Gripe water (non-alcoholic) because sometimes the issue is not the breast itself but something agitating in the milk. 

✔️Burping cloths (Receiving blankets and hand towels can be used for this purpose too...basically any clean towel that can save your clothes from getting drenched in puke.)

✔️A change of blouse/shirt for your diaper bag because things happen.

The Etiquette of Breastfeeding in Public

Back when going out in public was a thing, as a first time mom, I was always so concerned about the 'etiquette of breastfeeding in public'. I remember taking my 3 month old on a family outing to the aquarium armed with formula (just in case) but ending up finding all the dark corners to sit and breastfeed privately. 

Thankfully, the #normalizebreastfeeding movement quickly grew since then. By the time I had my second child I was whipping my breast out anywhere my baby demanded (even at the border patrol office. This is a whole other blog. 😅) Now I breastfeed wherever is most convenient to me and my baby.

📈No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, proper latching is a learning curve for both mom & baby. You can lessen the curve by attending lactation classes or at least checking out what’s on offer from YouTube. 

The Takeaway 

No matter how many babies you’ve birthed, breastfeeding can be challenging and it’s a journey with hurdles along the way...but with perseverance you can make it on the journey and even enjoy it. If you have to end your breastfeeding journey earlier than expected be encouraged that breast is best & fed is best too...depending on who’s talking. Also each new child gives a new opportunity to begin a new breastfeeding journey. 

Wishing you all the very breast on your feeding journey mama - and no matter what keep feeding! ðŸ’œ

Sunday, February 21, 2021

20 Ways To Soothe Your Baby


20 Ways to Soothe Your Baby from Expecting Mami Blog

Babies cry...and they cry a lot so get ready for it. The one piece of advice I’d give to any expecting or trying to conceive mom. Not to worry though, here are 20 ways to soothe a newborn baby that will be sure to come in handy when you’re faced with days and nights of infant crying. You’re welcome! 💜 

  1. Breastfeed/bottle feed 
  2. Brush baby's hair gently 
  3. Car ride 
  4. Check/Change the room temperature 
  5. Give baby a good burp
  6. Give baby massage 
  7. Give baby pacifier 
  8. Give baby a stroll outside 
  9. Gripe water 
  10. Move baby's legs in cycling motion (for passing gas)
  11. Put baby in swing/glider 
  12. Put on white noise 
  13. Read to baby
  14. Rock or glide baby
  15. Show baby interesting pictures in books or around the house 
  16. Sing lullabies 
  17. Skin to skin contact
  18. Swaddle
  19. Warm bath
  20. Wear baby around in carrier
What other ways do you soothe your fussy baby?

Have you read?

Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...