Showing posts with label baby bump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby bump. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018

We figured adults sleep best on a good mattress so babies must too! Right? That's why we went with the Sealy Baby Ultra Rest mattress from Walmart. We loved that it has a great height at 6" and has inner springs to provide good support up to toddler age. So far baby loves the firmness of the mattress, we did however have to get a padded mattress protector to lessen the plastic - y sound of the waterproof mattress (more to come).

What do you look for in a crib mattress?

Have you read?

Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...