Showing posts with label Self Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Care. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Self Esteem Tips For Moms

Self Esteem Tips For Moms -

February is famously known as the Love month but did you know it’s also recognized, in some circles, as National Self Esteem Month?

I can’t think of a better way to close out February than to discuss some ways to build self esteem because I can’t think of anyone harder on herself and more deserving of greater self esteem than - a Mom. ðŸ’œ

“Self-esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms and refusing to abide by the judgment of others.” - Oprah Winfrey 

Here are some powerful ways to boost your self esteem:

  • STOP criticising yourself
  • STOP negative & limiting self-talk/beliefs
  • STOP allowing people’s negative opinion of you to define you. You are a work in progress. You can evolve and grow better every day. 
  • STOP comparing yourself 
  • STOP waiting around for others to celebrate you. 
  • STOP downplaying genuine compliments you receive from others 
  • START recognizing and celebrating your small and big wins. 
  • START showing yourself the kindness and empathy you would show to a friend.
  • START practising gratitude
  • START moving – 20 to 30 minutes of exercise per day is a love letter to yourself. Read that again. 
  • START doing more of what brings you joy in life.
  • START spending more time with the people who bring you joy. 

“Learning to love yourself is (one of) the greatest love (s) of all.” - Whitney Houston 

What are some ways you practice building your self esteem? 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

5 Interesting Pregnant Mom Movies

So you're pregnant in the middle of another COVID19 pandemic and you want a movie or two to watch to take your anxious mind off your own pregnancy but still something you can enjoy, relate to or empathize with? Grab your popcorn or other Dr. approved snacks...I've got you covered. Here are my fave picks for a Preggo Movie Night In:

1. Knocked Up. Must watch if you're in the mood for a RomCom type of movie. Maybe you can relate; maybe not. Whatever the case is; the acting is great and the storyline pulls you in and away from reality for a while. 

2. The Back Up Plan. Another RomCom meets serendipity kind of film with all the feels. 

Trigger alert...these next 3 are about loss of some sort...

3. The Color Purple. It's a bit heavy but one thing it does give is perspective. Is the glass half full, or half empty or are you just grateful to still be pregnant? Questions to ask yourself after watching this?

4. Roma is another heavy one that delivers on storyline and perspective. 

5. Twinsters. Ok this one is not directly about a pregnant mother but indirectly the story is told of a mother her newborn twins and separation. Spoiler has a happy ending.

Have you watched any of these? What are your favorite mom or expecting mom movies? Drop a line in the comment section. Happy Watching!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Happy New Year - Happy New Sleep!

Happy New Year! Happy Great Sleep!

Hello Mamas, 

For the month of January, we will be kickstarting a series on pampering yourself to start 2021 off on the right foot. For many, 2020 was a challenging and weird year and we want to move forward with all the positive energy we gained from the year - with gratitude and leave all the negatives behind. 

All about that Sleep... 
We’re starting off the comfort series by talking about sleep! As it so happens today is the Festival of Sleep Day and it’s a Sunday in a pandemic lockdown. Sounds like a celebration we can all join in on and I’m all for it! Let’s celebrate great sleep because I’m convinced that pure energy flows from sleep. 

Benefits of Sleep 
Sleep gives us the opportunity to work out our daytime struggles through dreaming and resetting/reframing problems. Notice how problems always seem more manageable and solvable after a good night’s sleep? It also allows our bodies (mind included) to heal and rejuvenate. We also don’t need to wait till night time to get the benefits of sleep. It’s the reason they say new moms should sleep while your new baby is sleeping - so you can keep up and be alert night or day. Some European cultures, like Spain, even have daytime naps built into the culture which I am sure works out great for productivity and well being. 

For the stay at home mom with toddler (s) fighting nap time; it may be a good idea to remove them from the active play area to another quiet room where everyone can take a group siesta break. 

Lucky for many working moms, the pandemic has provided an opportunity to work remotely from home. So for that 1 hr lunch break you can take a 30 - 40 minute nap with or without your young ones.
Tips for better sleep 

1. Keep tabs on the humidity in your bedroom. You may benefit from having a humidifier misting some essential oils; especially during cold winter months.

2. Make sure your mattress is the right fit for you. A good mattress that supports you best, during sleep, is the best investment you can make for your sleep. 

3. Get nice comfortable, breathable sheets and covers/blankets that don’t irritate your skin. 

4. Get nice firm pillows & pillow protectors that keep out dust mites etc. and change pillows on a regular schedule that fits your budget. 

5. Take a lavender or rose scented bubble bath or shower before bed. 

6. Dress up in your coziest socks and most comfortable PJs for bed. 

7. Make sure the temperature in your room is just right for sleep. 

8. Give a good night kiss, snuggle to your littles and loved ones. 

9. Empty your mind before bed by meditating, praying, journaling, making a short to do list, ending the day with gratitude etc. 

10. Listen to your favourite soothing music, audio book or nature sounds before bed. 

Happy Festival of Sleep Sunday to You! 

What’s one thing you plan to do to improve your sleep tomorrow and in the year ahead? Any more good sleep tips to add? Drop them in the comments below.

Monday, April 20, 2020

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures

6 Virtual Canadian Adventures -
Royal Ontario Museum
This post is specially for the Mamas and Papas who had a Canadian adventure planned this year. Since those adventures likely won’t happen the way we imagined, in 2020, here are 6 Canadian adventures you can have virtually! 💜 Each of these museums and art galleries offer inspiring  online collections – explore them in your mommy time alone or during family time with the kids in tow. You’re welcome!

What Canadian (or non Canadian) adventure did you have planned for 2020?

Have you read?

Breastfeeding During COVID-19

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently had a bout with COVID 19 . During this period I did breastfeed and I did find that my youngest...